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Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question? Hopefully it’s answered below. If not, please get in touch.

A SciBar is literally science in a bar – an opportunity to hear a guest STEM academicresearcherscientist or enthusiast talk about their specialist topic in an informal environment.

The SciBar concept was originally conceived by The British Science Association and, whilst run autonomously since 2019, the objective remains to engage the general public in science.

A SciBar is not a lecture; its a short talk between the speaker and the audience, after which an interactive discussion usually follows until the questions are exhausted.

Anybody with a passing interest in the topic and there is no assumed knowledge of the subject. If you have a general interest in science, then a free Didsbury SciBar science event is a good place to learn a bit more, or to ask the questions you’ve always wanted answered.

Didsbury SciBar is FREE whether you attend in person or online thanks to the generosity of our speakers, organisers and our hosts at The Albert Club.

Our events are held on the 3rd Monday of the month and feature a guest speaker. Our programme of events is listed on where you can also join the mailing list to have details sent straight to your inbox.

Didsbury SciBar is hosted in the main bar at The Albert Club, 39-41 Old Lansdowne Road, West Didsbury, Manchester M20 2PA.

You can also pre-register via Eventbrite to participate online.


Didsbury SciBar is open to all. Just turn up. We are a laid back and welcoming bunch – there’s no membership or obligation. We would encourage regular attendees to join and support our generous hosts at The Albert Club – you benefit from their member prices at the bar! Details on their website –

Originally conceived in 2008 by the North West branch of the British Science Association, Didsbury SciBar was led by Mark Hillen for over a decade. Following the BSA’s restructuring, Didsbury SciBar has, since 2019, been run by a passionate collective of volunteers who have backgrounds in scienceengineering and technology and the clout to get top researchers to come and give an informal chat on what they do.

Sarah Murray currently heads up the team, assisted behind the scenes by Simon Manning. Didsbury SciBar is a volunteer collective so, if you feel you can assist us and would like to get involved, please get in touch for an informal chat – many hands make light work et al.

Absolutely. If you have a subject that you would like to share with a wider audience in a 45-60 minute presentation, we’d love to hear from you – find out more.