Prof Andrew McBain from University of Manchester discusses the vast number of microorganisms that exist in the human and external environment, and their diverse activities, many of which are beneficial to human skin.

Dr Michael Carroll returns to presents March’s Didsbury SciBar – details to follow…
Paul Fitzgerald explores the extraordinarily dramatic life and revolutionary ideas of Thomas Paine, one of history’s most neglected heroes of democracy, science and freethinking.
Dr James Wingham from Manchester Metropolitan University presents at Didsbury SciBar in December 2024.
Dr Niamh Fox discusses Polymer Materials at Didsbury SciBar in November 2024.
The Apollo lunar programme of 1968-72 brought the first photos of the Earth from space. How were those pictures taken in pre-digital days?
Dr Sarah Crowther, Research fellow at University of Manchester, Dept of Earth and Environmental Sciences discusses the OSIRIS-REX mission at Didsbury SciBar in September 2024.
Mark Thompson from returns to present at SciBar in August 2024.
Can an ordinary blood pressure machine be used by health professionals and the public to exclude sepsis and several other serious conditions? Dr Stephen Katona presents…
LATER THAN ORIGINALLY ADVERTISED – 19:45 START Cartoonist Marc Jackson joins us at Didsbury SciBar to discuss the science of comics.
Animals have evolved many physical traits and strategies to survive long enough to reproduce. The sexual organs of many species are some of the most varied, specialised, and bizarre, which have evolved to enable them to compete in the battle of the sexes. Dr Michael Carroll, Associate Professor at…
Gary Gilbert returns to talk Astrophotography at SciBar in April 2024. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced, find out what you can do from your back yard.
Dr Sarah Jones, Reader in thrombosis and haemostasis, Department of Life Sciences at Manchester Metropolitan University presents at SciBar in March 2024. Sarah will discuss the approaches that we are taking to develop new experimental models of arterial thrombosis as an alternative to animal experiments. These include vessel on…
Dr Sunday Ekpo, Senior Lecturer in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Manchester Metropolitan University will explore the past, present and future of the shared airspace around us and the modern attempts to enable smart living and rebuild a sustainable green environment for all.
Rob Ward from University of Sheffield discusses The 4th Industrial Revolution at Didsbury SciBar in January 2024.