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15th April – Plastic Fantastic: Production of artificial antibodies to reduce the use of animals in research – Dr Marloes Peeters

It is estimated that on an annual basis, over 100 million animals are used in research across the world. A significant amount of these animal experiments involve the generation of antibodies, which are used in sensors for medical applications, in the food industry, for environmental monitoring, etc.

In this talk, Dr Marloes Peeters from Newcastle University will give an example of how we can replace antibodies in a test that is used to determine cardiac biomarker levels with a “plastic” (but biocompatible) alternative, the design of which is inspired by nature.

Cardiovascular disease was targeted because it is the main cause of death in western countries and is responsible for in excess of 160,000 deaths per year in the UK.

For clinicians to select the appropriate course of treatment, to decide whether to send the patient home or admit to hospital, need access to cardiac-specific troponin levels. Key factors that need to be considered when thinking of an alternative to the current test include cost, measurement time, ease of operation and sensitivity. The presented sensor here is a lot cheaper, would provide fast measurement results and is unique in its kind – it is basically an extremely sensitive thermometer.

Monday 15th April AT THE SLIGHTLY LATER TIME OF 19:00. FREE admission.