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21st October – The Changing Arctic And It’s Global Consequences – Prof. Terry Callaghan

The Arctic is changing very quickly because of climate change and globalisation. Increasingly, the two aspects are linked and changes in the Arctic’s environment are accelerating. Climate warming in the Arctic is twice as fast as the global average rate and its consequences are having profound impacts on the frozen parts of the Arctic, its wildlife and its peoples.

As the Arctic has for millennia acted as a negative feedback to warming, and these feedbacks are becoming positive, changes in the Arctic are affecting planet Earth.

This illustrated talk gives examples of changes in the Arctic, their local consequences and the implications for the rest of the world.

Professor Terry Callaghan from The University of Sheffield joins us to present this topic.

Terry Callaghan started as an arctic plant ecologist in 1967. Over 52 years, he has worked in every arctic country and has been in the field during each of 50 years. His research has developed from plant ecology into ecosystem science and environmental change. He has developed several scientific fields and has led many initiatives, contributing to major arctic and global organisations and environmental assessments including IPCC. He participates in high-level arctic initiatives and is an adviser to the UK All Party Parliamentary Group on Polar Regions (Arctic and Antarctic). His main current focus is to develop international collaboration to understand environmental change in Siberia.

Monday 21st October @ 18:30. FREE admission. All Welcome.

The Albert Club, Old Lansdowne Road, West Didsbury, Manchester M20 2PA