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Didsbury SciBar…

‘Science in a Bar’

A SciBar is an engaging event presented by a guest STEM academic, researcher, scientist or enthusiast and, thanks to the generosity of the speakers, the venue and the organisers, it’s completely FREE; all in the spirit of engaging the public in science.

Didsbury SciBar has been established since 2008 and meets on the 3rd Monday of the month at The Albert Club, Old Lansdowne Road, West Didsbury.

You can also pre-register to join us online – the majority of our events are now live-streamed.

If you have a general interest in science, then a free Didsbury SciBar science event is a good place to learn a bit more, or to ask the questions you’ve always wanted answered.

You don’t have to know about the subject, or indeed about science – just turn up with an inquiring mind.

Our topics are fairly diverse; from Artificial Intelligence to Zoology. If one month’s subject of discussion isn’t grabbing your interest, keep an eye on our 2025 events calendar as we’ll inevitably be discussing something totally different the following month.

Join our mailing list or follow us on Twitter/X or Facebook for event information or see our FAQs.

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Full events calendar – What’s On? – Free Manchester Science Events at Didsbury SciBar

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About Didsbury SciBar

Originally conceived in 2008 by the North West branch of the British Science Association, Didsbury SciBar has, since 2019, expanded independently under the leadership of a passionate group of volunteers who have backgrounds in science, engineering and technology and the clout to get top researchers to come and give an informal chat on what they do.

Didsbury SciBar is now affiliated with the North West Science Alliance, which encompasses a range of other established former BSA SciBars across North West England.

A Scibar is not a lecture; its a short talk between a guest speaker and the audience, after which an interactive discussion usually follows until the questions are exhausted. We have been an inclusive and popular fixture on The Albert Club’s monthly events calendar for over 15 years and are open to all – you don’t need to be a member of the club.

Join our mailing list or follow us on Twitter/X or Facebook for event information or see our FAQs.

Come along and banish those Monday blues, learn something new, have a chat and a drink and, weather permitting, a bowl on the green at The Albert Club, which is more complex than you might imagine; there’s probably some science behind it!